Workforce Apartments

A standard of doing business

As one of the earliest and largest buyers of multifamily housing during the RTC cycle, we’ve not only endured the peaks and valleys, we left our footprint.

Our stringent due diligence process, experienced construction team, and best management practices, combined with consistent industry relationships, give us the competitive market advantage.

Your Investment
Our Priority

For over 50 years, we have developed signature workforce housing for our circle of investors. We participate side-by-side in every deal, and treat our smallest individual investors with the care of our largest institutional ones. We invest for families, with family.

Meet The Team

From our clients

Bank of the West

I have observed a consistent application of fundamentals in locating undervalued properties and enhancing them to values that achieve excellent investment returns. Drever’s track record has not been based upon speculation or extraordinary luck, but stubborn adherence to a proven formula and, perhaps, a little bit of luck.
E. Michael Begovich
Senior Vice President, Bank of the West

Freddie Mac

If all of borrowers were like the Drevers, lenders would have significantly lower losses.
Ed Gagermeier
SE Region Producer


You may have heard that my regard for you and your highly professional team led to my coinage of the term “Dreverizing.” I use it to describe the value creation process of finding tired and worn properties and then transforming them into high-performance assets.
Terry Considine

City of Houston

Because of your group’s commitment, once-deteriorating apartment communities that might have been lost are now fully and tastefully functional….This has not only ensured the very survival of neighborhoods, but also…even their turnaround into viable communities.
Bob Lanier
Former Mayor of Houston, TX
Maxwell Drever and Noah Drever.

The Drever

Maxwell Drever is known as a visionary leader in contrarian impact investing. With +47,000 workforce multifamily units acquired or developed and $3.2 billion in deal experience in 20 primary markets, the Drever name has become synonymous with value-add real estate investing.

Institutional quality
Real estate investments

Become an Investor
  • Unparalleled expertise in counter-cyclical investments
  • Our risk-adjusted returnsoften outperform the results of our higher-leveraged peers
  • Safety-first on the buy sidewith a value-add orientation of asset management
  • Become an Investor